
The success of a company often hinges on the strength of its partnerships, and BCI Minerals is lucky to collaborate with some of the best businesses in Western Australia.

The diverse array of contractors which BCI works with are instrumental in driving forward the Mardie Project and propelling the company towards new heights.

We want to shine a spotlight on the impact of these partnerships and thank these businesses for their ongoing support.  

A long-standing partnership between BCI Minerals and 28 Villages has been solidified with the awarding of a new Mardie Village Operations Management and Facilities Maintenance Services contract.

This three-year contract, which commenced last month, includes options for two additional one-year extensions.

The collaboration between BCI Minerals and 28 Villages dates back to November 2020, when 28 Villages initially provided two staff members for cooking and cleaning services.

Over the years, the contract expanded to accommodate increasing onsite manning levels, now ranging between 200 to 300 staff.

BCI Minerals Contracts Administrator Rama Gundavarapu said the partnership played a critical role in supporting the workforce at Mardie.

“BCI and 28 Villages continuously maintain the partnership, supporting each other for better outcomes,” Mr Gundavarapu said.

“Cleaning and catering are very important and critical to attract the contractors and their sub-contractors to come and work at the Mardie site.”

On an average day, 28 Villages roasts 60 kilograms of meat, prepare 50kg of vegetables, and produce 20kg of cake products.




The state-of-the-art village at Mardie is equipped with modern facilities including a spacious gym with weights and cardio facilities, a large indoor/outdoor mess, basketball courts, and individual rooms.

Under the new contract, 28 Villages will manage comprehensive operations and maintenance services at Mardie Village, including catering, cleaning, and maintenance for the village and associated infrastructure.

28 Villages General Manager Dan Holman said the company looked forward to working with BCI in the next stages of the Mardie Project and beyond.

“The continuation of our partnership with BCI is an exciting opportunity for 28 Villages in cementing the work that has been placed into the project for the last 3.5 years in the early development stages of the project,”  Mr Holman said.

They will provide all necessary onsite and offsite management, supervision, labour, expertise, materials, equipment, tools, and consumables, operating on both day and night shifts as directed by BCI.

28 Villages was selected due to their proven track record in managing similar projects across Australia, particularly in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

“28 Villages has submitted a commercially sound, operationally efficient, and technically acceptable tender,” Mr Gundavarapu said.

“Their overall submission demonstrated a full understanding of the required Scope of Services.”




The partnership's value is underscored by the introduction of new initiatives, such as a feedback survey system at Mardie Village, which allows everyone to provide input on catering and cleaning services, ensuring continuous improvement and satisfaction.

Additionally, the new contract is expected to enhance staffing stability for 28 Villages, enabling them to secure higher quality in-house resources to meet the required Scope of Services.

“This strengthened alliance reflects a collective 'win as one team' approach, benefiting both BCI Minerals and 28 Villages, and ultimately ensuring a well-maintained and efficient operational environment at Mardie Village,” Mr Gundavarapu said.